"Every light casts a shadow. This is the basic principle of Yin and Yang.
Yet, even within the depths of shadow, there is still light.
Since time immemorial, evil shinobi have specialized in assassination and subversion for politicians and corporations. Meanwhile, good shinobi have worked on behalf of the various nations.
Some would say the evil exists in the shadow, while the good exists in the light.
But, are the differences between the two so great?
Both must hide their true selves from the world, and both must do the things ordinary people cannot."
It is against this backdrop that our story takes place. The shinobi of the Hanzō National Academy have taken a vow to follow the path of good, while the shinobi of the Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy could be said to walk the path of evil given that they will work for the highest bidder regardless of their employers' intentions. Both truly believe their doctrine is correct, and feel conflict with one another is inevitable.
However, what if it is not? What if both could coexist and see that there is a little dark in the light, and a little light in the dark?