HOMURA'S CRIMSON SQUAD: Homura and her four closest friends once served as the Elites of Hebijo Academy. When Dōgen, Hebijo's chief financier, tried to twist the school into a demonic ritual ground, Homura fought and killed him – by all appearances – then fled with her friends into hiding. For months, they lived a life of desperation together, working menial jobs to buy groceries by day, then training in their hideout by night, always on the lookout for hunters from their former school. Although Hebijo no longer hunts them, Homura and her friends have started to grow accustomed to the renegade lifestyle; for all its perils and poverty, it allows them to be shinobi on their own terms, and none of them would have it any other way.



Voice: Ryōko Shiraishi

"You want to take us all on at once. I think I feel sad for you."

Birthdate: September 9th
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: None
Guardian: Cobra
Favorite Food: None

A former third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy. She claims to have no emotions and usually speaks in a deadpan monotone, but she's been known to crack jokes when her friends least expect it. Little by little, her friends – including her favorite rival, Katsuragi – have started to tease little emotional signals out of her, and she often expresses a desire to learn more. In combat, her weapon of choice is the knife, which she wields with grace and aplomb.