Is the base game’s Hanzō x Crimson Squad pack not enough for you? Do you want more bounce for your buck? The answer is simple: double the size of your rhythmic repertoire by downloading the Gessen x Hebijo DLC pack! This pack features 10 additional girls, each with her own unique story to play through.

Special characters Rin and Daidōji can join the rhythmic fray as well! If you already purchased them as DLC for SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI VERSUS, they’ll carry over into Bon Appetit without any need to purchase them again; however, as a member of Hebijo, Rin requires the Gessen x Hebijo pack in order to play her story in-game.

DLC costumes from SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI VERSUS can be imported into Bon Appetit free of charge, too! Because when faced with a cutthroat culinary concerto, why wouldn’t you want to dress in your favorite SHINOVI VERSUS outfit or wear your favorite accessories? If the adoring public would rather see these lovely ladies in something other than their default outfits, well… then I say, let them eat cape!