Voice: Hitomi Harada
"For the sake of enormity, I will not abide you!"
Birthdate: September 8th
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'1"
Hobby: Training
Favorite Food: Futomaki Roll
A second-year student at Hanzō National Academy.
Positively bursts with love for only the biggest and thickest of futomaki. What's "futomaki," you ask? Well, it's big, thick, long and hard. And full of raw ingredients.
And it tastes delicious with wasabi.
Asuka feels as though this world is too full of people who strive to make things smaller and more compact. In order to preach the splendor of all things big and thick, she enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off. Her goal? To let the world know that thick is the trick!
Of course, her specialty is futomaki.
Voice: Asami Imai
"...I cannot lose. For the sake of all people
living on this planet, I WILL not lose!"
Birthdate: June 7th
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'6"
Hobby: Reading
Favorite Food: Japanese Cuisine / Japanese Tea
A third-year student at Hanzō National Academy.
Daughter of a wealthy family. Characterized by her long, black hair.
Has had an affinity toward Japanese cuisine her whole life, having been trained in the ancient secrets of its traditional cookery from a very young age. She has a strong sense of justice that serves her well as class president. In order to prevent the Secret Ninja Art Scroll from falling into the hands of anyone who might use it for unjust means, she enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off, fully prepared to bare or be bared for her honor.
Her specialty is tea ceremony dishes.
Voice: Yū Kobayashi
"I'll become the queen of the hooters harem!"
Birthdate: November 5th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'5"
Hobby: Sexual Harassment
Favorite Food: Ramen
A third-year student at Hanzō National Academy.
Mixes a dynamite body with the heart of a perverted old man. So...pretty much the perfect combination.
The Secret Ninja Art Scroll can grant any wish, and hers is straightforward: she wants to be able to sexually harass anyone, anywhere, at any time. Without consequence. Or remorse. (Or warning.)
Thus, in the name of her most honorable and selfless goal, she has chosen to participate in the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off.
Her specialty is the very ramen dish that helped spark a mutual understanding between her and Hikage.
Voice: Kaori Mizuhashi
"It comes from all the time I've spent with Hibari."
Birthdate: December 23rd
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'2"
Hobby: Sleeping
Favorite Food: Dried Cuttlefish
A first-year student at Hanzō National Academy.
Embodies all the hipness and beauty of the pudge, and will do everything in her power to elicit adorable pudginess from the world around her.
She hates seeing anything go to waste and is a little on the taciturn side, but as she continues to spend time with her friends, she's learned a thing or two about kindness and consideration.
And how to tell when Katsuragi is lurking about. But that almost goes without saying -- it's a basic survival skill.
Her specialty is squid dishes...with extra squid. Because the basic amount simply is not enough.
Voice: Yuka Iguchi
"Hmm hmm hmm... I wonder what kind of sweets they're gonna have?"
Birthdate: February 18th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: Video Games
Favorite Food: Sweets
A first-year student at Hanzō National Academy.
A human candy disposal unit. She may appear to be young and immature -- and she is! -- but her bright smile and innocence have made her something of an idol to all her companions.
Her motto is, "There's always room for sweets!” She only participates in the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off because she thinks she can nab some free candy there. I mean, it's a cooking competition, right? So there are probably some basic ingredients at her station. Which probably include sugar. Which will probably not make it into any of her dishes, since she's just going to absorb it all through osmosis before any actual cooking begins.
Her specialty is whatever she feels like eating at the time.
Voice: Eri Kitamura
"Meat! I want to cook it! I want to eat it!”
Birthdate: January 3rd
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'4"
Hobby: Fighting
Favorite Food: Japanese Food
A former second-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Life is harsh for her, as she's forced to subsist solely on a renegade's diet of wild grass, prepared in a variety of equally displeasing ways. And while she's grateful just to be alive, and is well aware that this is the path she's chosen for herself, the simple fact of the matter is that she wants MEAT. Doesn't matter what kind. Doesn't matter how it's come to find its way into her mouth. As long as it's there.
She enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off after reading that the winner gets all the leftover ingredients. Which includes MEATMEATMEATMEATMEATMEATMEATMEATMEAT.
Voice: Ai Kayano
"I feel there's a path somewhere ahead. A path of intimacy between myself and the bean sprouts.”
Birthdate: February 10th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: Sewing
Favorite Food: Bean Sprouts
A former second-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Loves bean sprouts more than anything, but lately has begun feeling a greater attraction toward other forms of food, and is terrified that her beloved sprouts will learn of her unfaithfulness and seek revenge.
Knowing that deep in her heart she still loves bean sprouts more than anything, she enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off in search of some means to repair this faltering relationship and save herself from the seductive tendrils of other legumes.
Obviously, her specialty is cooking bean sprouts. And they have no idea their whole world may be in danger of collapse...
Voice: Ryoko Shiraishi
"Um... Well, if I had to guess, it might've been shock.”
Birthdate: September 9th
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: None
Favorite Food: None
A former third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Once proclaimed that she feels no emotions, but the hot rumor going 'round the water cooler these days is that she so totally has emotions. Like, shah!
She somehow just kind of wound up in the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off, but seems poised to do pretty well for herself. Maybe.
Guess that's up to you, huh?
The real question is, what will she wish for if she wins? (Who wants to bet it has something to do with emotions?)
Her specialty is festival food.
Voice: Saori Gotō
"...Not just ditch it. Destroy it."
Birthdate: December 28th
Blood Type: A
Height: 4'11"
Hobby: Playing Online
Favorite Food: Stew (Nabemono)
A former first-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Has a huge complex about her childish appearance and tiny breasts (so, naturally, she dresses as a gothic lolita!). She enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off in order to become a "super lady." She doesn’t seem to actually know much about the competition (nor does she or anyone else actually know what "super lady" even means), but the word ‘super’ caught her attention, so she kind of just decided to roll with it.
When she’s working at her station, she has to stand on a wooden box to make up for her small stature. And if you should ever try to move it, HOO BOY. Let's just say they'll be finding pieces of you in the region of this game's release (and remember, it's set in Japan, so...yeah!).
Guess that's up to you, huh?
Her specialty is stew.
Voice: Megumi Toyoguchi
"Then I'll build a new world where people can throw off their inhibitions. A world without secrets. A world without clothes!”
Birthdate: July 20th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'7"
Hobby: Doll-Making
Favorite Food: Dried Kelp
A former third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Acts like a queen and generally does things her way, because her way gets results (and manservants!). She entered the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off just so she could get her hands on the wish-granting scroll and dispose of it. Her reasons for this are unclear, but...well, let's be honest: you know she just wants to watch everybody else squirm as she slowly burns it to ash, taking all their what-might-have-beens and reducing them to what-never-can-bes.
Nothing much fazes her, but if you call her an "old lady," she'll react about as well as you'd expect any young-yet-authoritative anime character to react. In other words, she'll kill you in like, six different ways.
Her specialty is making food from various components and chemicals. In other words, what most packaged food manufacturers do these days -- ZING!
Voice: Yumi Hara
"Cute izzz juthithe!"
Birthdate: December 31st
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'5"
Hobby: Calligraphy
Favorite Food: Shaved Ice w/ Azuki (Sweet Red Beans)
A third-year student at Gessen Girls’ Academy and the leader of the Elite class.
Her grandfather was the rival of legendary shinobi Hanzō.
A firm adopter of the ideology that "cute is justice" (that's what that quote says, if you were wondering!); and where other girls her age might be singing or practicing the chacha, Yumi spends every night instead practicing her goo-goo ga-ga, honing her baby talk skills to unprecedented levels. (Ah, sweet payoff! Her quote makes sense now, right? Right?!)
She's become absolutely obsessed with her grandfather’s stated ideal of a world where evil doesn't even exist, but ultimately, she's just fighting evil shinobi in an attempt to make her grandpa proud.
Her specialty is using ice in dishes. Because nothing says fine dining like frozen food!
Voice: Hisako Kanemoto
"A fusion of sci-fi and cooking! The fans will never see it coming!”
Birthdate: October 8th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'7"
Hobby: Drawing Cartoons
Favorite Food: Rice Cakes (Mochi)
A third-year student at Gessen Girls’ Academy.
Has a drastically different personality when her mask comes off than when it's on. She’s actually an enormous fan of comic books, and is even drawing one of her own in her spare time.
Most of her comics have a sci-fi theme to them,
so she decided, why not combine sci-fi and food -- her two favorite things -- to create a comic styling unlike anything else on the market? Imagine hamburgers with space helmets, ray guns that fire bean sprouts... Darth Potater!
Naturally, she's decided to enter the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off to get a little more cooking experience. (Her experience with sci-fi elements is already taken care of; just don't ask any followup questions!)
Her specialty is mochi, a form of sticky rice paste that's super-duper delicious if you've never had it before (no, seriously, it really is!).
Voice: Kaori Ishihara
"I'm sorry, but let me ask this: Do you want to concede?”
Birthday: April 5th
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: Cleaning
Favorite Food: Rice Crackers
A second-year at Gessen Girls’ Academy.
The oldest daughter in a large family, giving her a certain motherly quality.
Making meals for her little brothers and sisters every day has given her a lot of confidence in her skills for the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off, but she’s been so busy with her shinobi training of late that she worries her arms might be a little too worn out to keep up.
Her specialty is making food for a large number of children...while said children are bothering her constantly. In other words, she's got nerves of steel!
Voice: Ayano Yamamoto
"This totally has to be fate! Or no, wait... C'est ma destinée!”
Birthday: March 25th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'4"
Hobby: Midnight Walks
Favorite Food: Tomato Juice
A first-year at Gessen Girls’ Academy.
Looks and talks like a valley girl, but can be a bit more old-school and serious when she needs to be.
She’s best friends with Murakumo, and decides to compete in the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off in order to help "Murky” gather some material for her next comic.
Her specialty is any food made with tomatoes.
Voice: Hiromi Igarashi
"I'm gonna make tons and tons of food!"
Birthday: February 14th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 4'8"
Hobby: Taking Naps
Favorite Food: Shortcake
A first-year student at Gessen Girls’ Academy.
Though she looks and acts like she's 5 years old at best, she’s not an elementary school student or even a middle school student. She’s a full-fledged high school student! No matter what anyone says,
she’s in HS! And she gets good grades, too, and is ready to graduate with honors! Valedictorian, even! (Okay, that part might be a lie.)
She decides to join the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off because she thinks it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet where the only payment required is an all-you-can-cook attitude.
Her specialty is sweets. Which must come as a huge surprise, right?
Voice: Hiromi Hirata
"All right. It's time to say farewell to my boyish good looks!"
Birthday: August 15th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'6"
Hobby: Bathing
Favorite Food: Chicken-Egg Bowl
A third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Represented by an "I Heart Miyabi Militia” fan club that’s positively bursting at the seams with members who adore her "pretty boy” looks, but
she can’t help wanting to be seen as more of a girl. She enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off because she wants to wish for a cuter, more feminine frame -- and showing off her cooking skills along the way certainly can’t hurt matters, either.
Her specialty is anything fried, fricasseed, boiled or broiled, since she has control over black flames and isn’t afraid to use them for Ninja Arts and cookery alike!
Voice: Sayuri Yahagi
"...If I had this scroll...I could wish to buy a refrigerator."
Birthday: October 26th
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'4"
Hobby: Playing With Bebeby
Favorite Food: Plain Rice Balls
A second-year student at Hebijo Clandestine
Girls’ Academy.
Has been a shut-in since before she first enrolled at Hebijo.
The Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off caused all of the shops she’d usually order delivery from to go on holiday, so she reluctantly participates in the tournament out of sheer necessity, unable to withstand the hunger for even one moment longer. It’s only when she realizes that the prize for winning can grant any wish that she resolves to give this thing her all -- because this hermit-esque lifestyle of hers has far too many interruptions right now, and she’d love nothing more than to become the ultimate shut-in for all time.
Also, she has the biggest boobs of anyone in this whole competition. Which isn’t really relevant to her profile, exactly, but considering what game this is, it bears mentioning.
Her specialties are instant food and deliverable items...so this may be an uphill battle for her...
Voice: Chiwa Saitō
"Hands off that salty, sweaty sack of sushi! It's MINE!”
Birthday: June 9th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'2"
Hobby: Studying
Favorite Food: Inari Sushi
A third-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Her sister, Murasaki, is a hopeless shut-in, and the love of her life, Miyabi, is on a quest to become more feminine (despite Imu’s objections), so this girl is just a ball of unwavering stress and worry.
She’s got a kickass forehead, though. I mean, just look at those cranial curves! Tres bomba.
Her specialties are soba and inari Sushi -- a type of sushi that’s wrapped in tofu rather than seaweed.
Voice: Yōko Hikasa
"Never again will I be called a chopping board, washing board, or day-old soda!"
Birthday: January 19th
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: Sharpshooting
Favorite Food: Lollipops
A first-year at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Twin sister to Ryōna. Lives in a world of huge breasts here, there and everywhere, which has made her generally irritable and given her a serious complex about her small chest.
She enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off to get her one and only wish granted. Take a guess what that wish might be -- in fact, take two guesses!
Her specialty is teppanyaki, which is kind of like the Japanese equivalent of stir fry, except prepared on an iron griddle, and without the stirring of hot oil. So...not like stir fry at all.
Voice: MAKO
"I know it in my heart -- I'm going to be a piece of tempura!"
Birthday: January 19th
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'3"
Hobby: Shopping
Favorite Food: Fish Sausage
A first-year at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy.
Twin sister to Ryōbi. She’s a devoted masochist who loves to be bullied, injured, abused, insulted and otherwise treated poorly.
She enters the Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off to attain her dream of becoming tempura. Her reasoning behind this desire? Well, I’m sure being tempura-fried would hurt immensely. Basically, she’s just become so masochistic that the universe can’t even make sense of her anymore. Not that it ever could to begin with...
Her specialties are meat dumplings, wieners and -- of course -- tempura.
Voice: Kanehira Yamamoto
"A busty hyper cooking battle will begin... NOOOOOOOOW!”
A legendary shinobi, and Asuka’s grandfather.
Though he’s long since retired, his abilities as a shinobi remain top-level, and his cooking skills are easily their match. Because of this, he serves as the chief judge in the tournament. When delicious food touches his tongue, it overwhelms him with emotion and emits shockwaves from his mouth that destroy the clothes of the girls under his charge. It only happens when he eats the finest of foods, but it’s a must-see reaction. Scientists still have yet to classify this effect, but they continue to study it very, very closely. And round the clock, too! They sure are dedicated to science...
Voice: Keiji Fujiwara
"The 1st Annual Super Dish Gourmet Cook-Off is about to begin!”
A teacher at Hanzō National Academy. Cool and collected at all times, and a top-tier shinobi in every way...but his role is a little different this time. In his own words, "I’m not Kiriya, I’m just the announcer!”
Of course, it’s clearly Kiriya’s voice. Face it, dude, your cover’s blown. You might as well just own up to it. No one will think any less of you. Well...okay, maybe they will, but this is SENRAN KAGURA. No one holds a grudge for long in this series.